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Shattered Games

Shattered Games

Australian Premiere

Warsaw, 1929, the golden age of chess in Poland. Inspired by true events, this stylish period drama tells the story of the pre-war Polish national chess team - which stood at the forefront of the game worldwide for over a decade.

As the team prepares for the 1930 Hamburg World Chess Championship, against a backdrop of rising antisemitism and with war looming on the horizon, they must also contend with the declining mental health of their star player Akiba Rubinstein. When the Nazis occupy Poland, the fate of the team, some of whom are Jewish, hangs in the balance.

Filmed in historic pre-war palaces in Poland, director Marek Bukowski captures the rich history and ongoing influence in the game of chess of this once and forever “Golden Team.” The matches played by the tight knit team, led by the charismatic David Przepiórka, and with the world-famous Rubinstein its most brilliant member, remain examples of masterful moves and games to this day.

  • Rating

    Unclassified 15+

  • Runtime


  • Director

    Marek Bukowski

  • Cast

    Anna Matysiak, Antoni Gógólka, Beata Wnek-Malec, Jacek Knap, Jan Wieczorkowski, Jedrzej Hycnar, Maciej Miszczak, Magdalena Mascianica, Weronika Dzierzynska, Wojciech Mecwaldowski

  • Language

    Polish (English subtitles)