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Australian Premiere

"Theodor leaves you involved emotionally, intellectually and spiritually, along with the impressive singing, the convincing acting, the precise libretto, and the intuitive and enchanting music." - Opera Now

"A captivating musical drama with a fascinating historical backdrop, superb singers, and inspired direction. The songs will haunt you long after the curtain falls." - Timeout

Telling an epic story from a very personal perspective, the acclaimed opera Theodor focuses on Theodor Herzl before he wrote The Jewish State. Two narratives intertwine onstage: Theodor in Vienna of 1881 when he was a young law student, and the older Theodor, a journalist covering the Dreyfus trial in Paris in 1895. Composed by Yonatan Cnaan, this opera masterfully blends music, theatre, and stunning visual elements to portray Herzl’s relentless quest for a Jewish belongingness and how Herzl’s experiences with antisemitism in Europe compelled him to recognize the necessity of a Jewish state.

The production of the opera premiered in May 2023, and was received with thunderous enthusiasm – the kind of wild clapping, foot-stomping, and raucous shouting usually reserved for rock concerts. This unique, filmed version of the opera brings the excitement of the stage to the screen.

  • Rating

    Unclassified 15+

  • Runtime


  • Director

    Ami Ella

  • Cast

    Oded Reich, Noam Heinz, Anat Czarny, Shaked Strul, Daniela Skorka, Yair Polishook

  • Language

    Hebrew (English subtitles)